30 Best Journal Prompts For a Successful November

Journaling is one of the best ways to clear your mind and start your day off on the right foot. Journaling frees up mental space to focus on the goals you want to accomplish and can help you process through thoughts and events that have shadowed your days. One of the most challenging things for people is getting started.

Not sure what to write about or how to start? Try using these 30 journal prompts through the month of November to guide you on the beginning of your journaling journey. Whether you’re a seasoned journaler or not, these journal prompts can help you find success in the month of November.

women writing using journal prompts in her journal. She's on a black and white couch.


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Autumn Related Journal Prompts

journal on top of bible on bed. Using journal prompts to guide thoughts.
  1. What does the word “autumn” mean to you? Describe your emotional connection to this season.
  2. Write about the changing colors of the leaves in your area. How does this transformation make you feel?
  3. Imagine taking a peaceful stroll through a forest filled with autumn foliage. Describe the sights, sounds, and smells you encounter.
  4. What fall traditions or rituals do you look forward to each year? How do they make you feel?
  5. Describe a cozy, autumn evening spent indoors. What activities or rituals bring you comfort during this season?
  6. How does the autumn weather affect your mood and energy levels? Are there specific activities you enjoy more during this season?
  7. Describe the taste of your favorite fall comfort food. What emotions and memories does it evoke?

8. Explore the symbolism of leaves falling from trees. What can you let go of in your life to create space for new growth?

9. Take a nature walk and document the sights, sounds, and smells of autumn. How does this connect you to the season?

10. Write about a favorite fall book, movie, or song and how it resonates with you during this time of year.

11. Describe the beauty of the natural world during the fall season. How does it inspire you?

Want to check out some more journal prompts? Check out 31+ October related journal prompts that can carry through to the fall feelings of November.

Reflective & Thoughtful Journal Prompts

  1. Reflect on your favorite childhood memories related to fall. How have they shaped your perception of this season?
  2. Write a letter to your future self expressing your hopes and intentions for the upcoming year.
  3. Explore the concept of balance in your life. Are there areas where you feel imbalance, and how can you restore it?
  4. Reflect on a challenge or obstacle you’ve recently faced. How did you overcome it, and what did you learn from the experience?
  5. Imagine you’re sitting by a crackling fire on a chilly evening. What thoughts and feelings arise as you watch the flames dance?
  6. Write about a time when you felt at peace with yourself and the world. What circumstances contributed to that sense of peace?
  7. Explore the concept of mindfulness and how it can enhance your daily life, especially during the fall season.

Gratitude Journal Prompts

  1. List five things you’re grateful for today and explain why they bring you joy.
  2. Write a gratitude letter to someone who has made a positive impact on your life. Share your appreciation and thanks.
  3. Explore the concept of gratitude as a daily practice. How can you incorporate gratitude into your daily routine?
  4. Write a list of goals and intentions for the month of November. How do these align with the themes of fall and thankfulness?
  5. Write a letter to someone you’re thankful for but haven’t expressed your gratitude to recently. Share your appreciation.
  6. Describe the role of gratitude in maintaining inner peace. How can you cultivate a more thankful mindset?
  7. Reflect on a challenging situation from your past. How has it shaped your resilience and personal growth?
  8. Imagine yourself in a peaceful, autumn-inspired meditation. Describe the sensations and emotions you experience.
  9. Write about the people in your life who bring you joy and fulfillment. How can you express your gratitude to them?
  10. Explore the idea of “hygge” (the Danish concept of coziness and contentment). How can you incorporate hygge into your life this fall?
  11. Reflect on a recent act of kindness you witnessed or experienced. How did it impact your sense of gratitude?
  12. Write a letter to yourself at the end of the month, reflecting on your growth, insights, and the things you’re thankful for in November.

Hopefully some of these journal prompts stuck out to you and have inspired you to add journaling into your daily routine. If you are craving more that a few prompts and a blank piece of paper, try using a guided journal to prep you for each day. There are tons of awesome one’s out there.


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