
60 Affirmations to Empower You

Positive self-talk is one of the most difficult skills to master. Media of all forms have taught us to be self-critical as we all try to reach the “best” version of ourselves. We all know comparison is the thief of joy, but how can we teach the little voice in our heads to align with what we know deep down is true: we each have immense individual value.

wood table with the affirmation "you look beautiful" written in white on a tray.

Incorporating positive affirmations into your daily routine can be a powerful tool for cultivating a positive mindset. In moments when you feel like talking about yourself poorly, try and redirect the self-talk by using affirmations.

The only way to create a new, positive reality is by putting effort into removing negativity from your daily habits. You may feel silly at first and that’s okay! Here are 60 affirmations you can use to center you in a variety of situations ranging from physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Affirmations to Empower You

  1. I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams.
  2. I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.
  3. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  4. I deserve happiness and success in all aspects of my life.
  5. I am worthy of love and respect just as I am.
  6. I am confident in my abilities and trust myself to make the right decisions.
  7. I am resilient and can overcome any obstacles that come my way.
  8. I am open to learning and constantly improving myself.
  9. I am grateful for the lessons life teaches me, both easy and challenging.
  10. I believe in my unique talents and how they contribute to the world.
  11. I attract positive and supportive people into my life.
  12. I let go of comparisons and focus on my own journey.
  13. I am patient with myself and trust the timing of my success.
  14. I radiate positivity and inspire others with my energy.
  15. I am adaptable and capable of handling change with grace.
  16. I take care of my physical and mental well-being every day.
  17. I am deserving of self-care and prioritize my own needs.
  18. I am creative and embrace my imagination to solve problems.
  19. I release past mistakes and forgive myself for any shortcomings.
  20. I am worthy of love, respect, and kindness from myself and others.
  21. I trust my intuition to guide me on the right path.
  22. I am grateful for the present moment and all the beauty it holds.
  23. I am resilient, and setbacks only make me stronger.
  24. I am open to receiving and giving unconditional love.
  25. I am the author of my own story, and I choose to write a positive one.
  26. I believe in my ability to turn challenges into stepping stones for success.
  27. I am a magnet for opportunities that align with my passions.
  28. I radiate confidence and others are drawn to my authentic self.
  29. I let go of fear and step boldly into my aspirations.
  30. I am deserving of self-compassion and self-care.
  31. I am constantly evolving and embracing change with an open heart.
  32. I am worthy of celebrating my accomplishments, big and small.
  33. I trust in the process of life and have faith in my journey.
  34. I release negative thoughts and make room for positivity and growth.
  35. I am in tune with my inner wisdom and make decisions that serve me.
  36. I am a unique individual with gifts that contribute positively to the world.
  37. I choose to see setbacks as setups for comebacks.
  38. I am a source of inspiration to those around me.
  39. I am bold in pursuing my passions and following my dreams.
  40. I am worthy of financial abundance and manage money wisely.
  41. I am in harmony with the universe, and opportunities flow to me effortlessly.
  42. I am a source of light, spreading positivity wherever I go.
  43. I am grateful for my body and treat it with love and care.
  44. I am capable of handling uncertainty and adapting with grace.
  45. I am letting go of old beliefs that no longer serve me.
  46. I am patient with myself and trust the timing of my growth.
  47. I am empowered to speak my truth with confidence and respect.
  48. I am a lifelong learner, eager to acquire new knowledge and skills.
  49. I am an active creator of my reality and focus on the good that surrounds me.
  50. I am constantly evolving and becoming the best version of myself.
  51. I attract abundance and opportunities into my life effortlessly.
  52. I am confident in my ability to communicate and connect with others.
  53. I trust the journey of life and believe that everything happens for a reason.
  54. I am free from self-doubt and replace it with self-belief.
  55. I make a positive impact on the world by being true to myself.
  56. I am worthy of setting healthy boundaries in all relationships.
  57. I let go of what I cannot control and focus on what I can.
  58. I am in charge of my own happiness and choose to see the bright side of things.
  59. I am open to new experiences and embrace the unknown.
  60. I am a work in progress, and each day brings new opportunities for growth.

Building self-esteem is not something that happens overnight and it also doesn’t happen without some effort. Changing your self-talk through affirmations is a great first step to feeling more confident in your own skin, but you also can’t forget about other factors like your inner circle, personal habits, and routines.

I hope that some of these affirmations resonate with you and the life you’re well on your way to creating.

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