9 New Hobbies to Try in 2024

The new year is the perfect time to try new hobbies. We all start the new year with high hopes for all the things we’ll accomplish. Take this time to explore a hobby you’ve always wanted to try and truly commit to it. There’s no better time to focus your energy on an area of interest.

Wine Glasses And Pictures On Table on New Year's Eve. The perfect time to make new year resolutions and try new hobbies.

The New Year offers a fresh canvas for your passions. So, why not spice up your routine with some exhilarating hobbies? Let’s explore nine new year hobbies to consider in the upcoming year.

New Hobbies to Try This Year


There’s magic in freezing moments through a lens. The best part? This new hobby doesn’t require you to spend any money, you can use your phone! Whether your camera is a professional DSLR or your trusty smartphone, you can build new skills in the art of photography. Experiment with angles, lighting, and subjects. Capture the beauty around you and watch your perspective broaden with every click.

Photography is also a great way to build awareness. You’re more likely to appreciate the beauty of life when you look at it through the lens of being art.

Cooking and Baking

Being able to cook and/or bake is the gift that keeps on giving. Bonus points if it’s something you actually find joy doing. There are tons of resources out there to start building your cooking skills. Start the year off strong by buying a new cook book and challenge yourself to try one new meal a week for the year. Experiment with different cuisines and turn your kitchen into a laboratory of flavors. You never know, you might discover a hidden talent for creating mouthwatering meals.

Person Baking Cookies on Tray. Try baking as one of many new hobbies this year


There are few things as mentally calming as gardening. Whether you have a gigantic backyard or a cozy balcony, keeping plants alive can be immensely rewarding. Witness the miracle of growth as you nurture seeds into blooming flowers or harvest fresh veggies. It’s therapeutic and fulfilling.

Not to mention you can use the fruits of your labor (no pun intended) in your home. Think of how amazing it will feel to eat the fruits, veggies, and herbs that you worked so hard to nurture.


From above crop unrecognizable lady in stylish sweater sitting at black desk with computer keyboard and smartphones while taking notes in notepad. she is completing journal prompts to start the new year right.

Sometimes our imaginations run wild and getting thoughts out of your head and on to a paper can be freeing. Start a journal, craft short stories, or explore poetry. Writing is a window to your heart—express yourself and explore a world where creativity has no bounds.

Fitness and Exercise

Fitness is not only a hobby for improving your physical well-being, it can also help improve your mental and emotional well-being. Moving your body is a blessing and the hardest part about getting started is finding out what movement makes you feel at your best.

Embrace a healthier lifestyle by exploring various forms of exercise. From yoga and dancing to weightlifting and hiking, find an activity that makes you feel refreshed. Not only does this hobby keep you healthy and fit, but it’s also an excellent stress buster.

Musical Instruments

Ever dreamt of playing an instrument? It can feel like it’s too late to learn, but if it’s something that interests you it’s never too late. The New Year is the perfect time to pick up guitar, piano, flute, or any instrument that you’ve dreamt of mastering. The best part is you can learn to play some of your favorite songs. It’s a great party trick.

DIY Projects

Get your hands dirty with DIY projects. Maybe it’s redesigning the room in your home that you haven’t gotten to, or it could be a craft like knitting or pottery. Explore your artistic side. Crafting not only taps into your creativity but also serves as a therapeutic escape from the daily hustle.

Learn a New Language

Are you planning an international trip in the next year? Or do you just want to explore a new culture and language from the comfort of home? Learning a new language can be an exciting and transferable hobby. It opens doors to different cultures and perspectives. The older you get the more challenging it is to learn a language so tools like Duolingo can be a huge help.

Coding and Tech Exploration

Technology is the way of the future. Knowing how to code can help you in your career or simply with automating technical tasks in your daily life. From web development to app creation, understanding the language of computers opens doors to endless possibilities in this digital era. You can even use AI to help you build out codes for learning purposes.

Remember, the beauty of starting a new hobby lies in the journey itself. Don’t worry about perfection—embrace the learning process.

So often we plan out what we want from the New Year when it comes to results, but what about all the hobbies and skills we can build along the way? The New Year brings with it a canvas of opportunities. Step out of your comfort zone and pick a hobby that will fill your days with excitement and challenges.

What are you waiting for? Start the New Year with enthusiasm and a curiosity for embracing the unknown. Let’s make 2024 a year filled with exciting hobbies and endless possibilities!

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