36 Things People Wish They Noted Before Beginning a Promising Apartment Hunt

36 Things People Wish They Noted Before Beginning a Promising Apartment Hunt

Apartment hunting can be an exciting yet daunting task. Finding the perfect place to call home requires careful consideration and planning — especially since leases aren’t something you’ll want to break. To help you navigate this process smoothly, I have compiled a comprehensive list of 36 things people…

17 Urgent Questions You Need to Ask Before Signing an Apartment Lease

17 Urgent Questions You Need to Ask Before Signing an Apartment Lease

Finding the right apartment can be a challenging process which makes understanding the terms of the lease agreement key to a successful move. Before signing a lease, look over the details carefully, make sure you understand all the terms and conditions and ask questions if something is unclear. With preparation,…

19 Bathroom Essentials Your Place Needs + FREE Bathroom Essentials Checklist

19 Bathroom Essentials Your Place Needs + FREE Bathroom Essentials Checklist

Each day starts and ends in the bathroom, so having the right essentials can enhance your daily rituals. Self-care, hygiene, and peace are all things you can find in your morning routine and nightly wind-down, so it’s important to stock your bathroom with everything you’ll need. Here are…