
“Everything I Know About Love”

In a world where romantic love is often romanticized and portrayed as the ultimate pursuit, Dolly Alderton’s candid and heartfelt memoir, “Everything I Know About Love,” serves as a refreshing reminder that love comes in many forms. The essence of love extends far beyond stereotypical romance or your family unit and if you pay close attention, you’ll find yourself surrounded by it in even the smallest moments throughout the day.

book open with the outside world in the distance. There are scrabble letters spelling "love" on the left page and reading glasses on the right page.

Through her witty (and sometimes raunchy) anecdotes, Alderton builds the theme of platonic and self-love seamlessly into her pursuits of romantic love. Whenever I read a thought-provoking book like this, I feel the need to compile some of my thoughts into one place.

Platonic Love

Alderton’s book is a celebration of the deep and enduring connections that form between friends. The friendships she builds throughout her youth and young adulthood are like something most people can only dream of. Building so many deep and understanding relationships that sustain the test of time is RARE. It serves as a testament to the fact that love, in its many forms, is a powerful force that can shape and sustain us through the highs and lows of life.

A reminder that no matter what we lose, no matter how uncertain and unpredictable life gets, some people do walk next to you forever.

dolly alderton

As readers follow Alderton’s journey, they encounter the friendships that weather the storms, celebrate victories, and provide unwavering support with all that life throws at them. The book emphasizes the importance of nurturing and cultivating these relationships, highlighting how they can often be just as transformative and meaningful as romantic love.

What makes the exploration of platonic love particularly compelling in Alderton’s book is its evolution over her lifetime. Alderton beautifully shares how friendships change as the years go by, yet the core bond remains unbreakable. She doesn’t shy away from conflicting thoughts that we all have as our journeys begin to drift in different directions from friends. She reminds us that relationships are complex and it’s not always easy to keep from projecting internal fears and stresses onto your closest relationships. This book is a reminder that as friendships evolve, there is an opportunity to form deeper connections.

Comfort in the Unknown

Life’s journey is an unpredictable one, filled with times of good and bad luck that often catch us off guard. Alderton’s candid reflections on her personal experiences emphasize the importance of finding comfort in the unknown.

One of the final chapters of the book addresses the fear of turning 30. Despite initially feeling suffocated by the feeling that 30 marked the end of “trial adulthood” and that she was running out of time, she ends the chapter with the reflection that each day is an opportunity to start fresh and live as though you have just as long to reach your destination as you did at 21.

While Alderton thought she always knew what she wanted (to be an adult and be taken seriously), she learned so much more on the journey than her teenage self imagined. Alderton’s willingness to share her own vulnerability and navigate the uncharted territories of adulthood resonates deeply with readers who are also struggling with navigating their own paths.

Because I am enough. My heart is enough.

dolly alderton

By sharing her moments of self-doubt, awkward encounters, and unexpected detours, Alderton reassures us that it’s perfectly okay not to have all the answers. We think we have to have everything figured out by 22, but her narrative becomes a source of solace, reminding us that life’s uncertainties are opportunities for self-discovery, resilience, and growth. Not having everything figured out is OKAY.

Through her lens, we learn that the process of finding oneself is often a journey of navigating through the unfamiliar and that embracing the discomfort of the unknown can lead to some of life’s most rewarding experiences.

Optimism About the Future

Amidst life’s challenges, Alderton’s book shines as a beacon of hope and optimism. Though her journey was definitely not smooth sailing, that’s exactly what brings comfort to readers who are trying to stay positive even when they feel they’ve hit rock bottom. Through her experiences, she shows us that setbacks and heartaches are not endpoints but rather stepping stones. The journey may not always be beautiful as you’re living it, but there is wisdom on the other side.

The narrative also reflects the importance of finding joy in the small moments. Toward the end of the book, Alderton is able to find love in all her memories and possessions from friends and family. She finds peace with her exes and begins to work on toxic romantic tendencies. This encourages readers to approach life with a sense of curiosity knowing that they are never in too deep to build a new life or habits for themself.

“Everything I Know About Love” by Dolly Alderton is more than a recount of Dolly’s life moments; it’s wisdom hidden between the lines of funny anecdotes and unbelievable stories. It offers insights into the complexities of human connections, the value of embracing uncertainty, and the resilience of the human spirit.

As we turn the pages of this memoir, we reflect on our own journeys, cherish the relationships that enrich our lives, and find strength in the inherent possibilities that lie ahead. Alderton’s book is a testament to the power of appreciating love in all forms.

Simplified Summary

"Everything I Know About Love," serves as a refreshing reminder that love comes in many forms. It's never too late to set a new path in life. Embrace life's ups and downs, learn along the way, and appreciate the relationships (that maybe aren't romantic) you've built and their place in your life.

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