How to Fit Exercise into a Hectic Schedule: Time Management Tips

There are some times when there just doesn’t seem like there are enough hours in the day. Life can be a whirlwind, with packed schedules, demanding deadlines, and countless responsibilities. Many days people are just trying to survive and finding time for movement is the last thing on our minds. Amid this chaos, it’s easy for exercise to take a backseat. However, even on the most mentally exhausting days, staying active is vital for our overall well-being.

The good news is that finding time for exercise doesn’t have to be an impossible task. By creating new habits and building some discipline, you can make fitness a priority even in the busiest of schedules. Here’s how to squeeze in exercise when time seems scarce.

group of people in an exercise class working with therabands. A woman with a blonde pony tail is the focal point of the image with 5 other people blurred in the background.

Prioritize and schedule

Just like any important appointment or commitment, exercise deserves a slot in your calendar. Movement is an investment in yourself and that should take priority over anything that isn’t benefiting you or contributing to your survival.

Take a few minutes each week to assess your upcoming schedule and identify available time slots for physical activity. Treat these time blocks as non-negotiable appointments with yourself. It can be early mornings, lunch breaks, or evenings, carve out dedicated time for exercise and stick to it as best as you can. Remember, some time is better than no time and your health is worth making time for!

Make it a habit

Consistency is key when it comes to exercise. Rather than viewing it as an optional task, strive to make it an integral part of your daily routine. The more you include it in your daily agenda, the less it’ll feel like a chore. Start by choosing a specific time and place for your workout and stick to it.

Over time, this routine will become second nature, and you’ll find yourself automatically making time for exercise without much thought — you may even find that you enjoy exercise and function more smoothly when you get a workout in. By making exercise a habit, you eliminate decision fatigue and ensure it becomes a regular part of your life.

Embrace short, intense workouts

When time is limited, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be a game-changer. HIIT workouts involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief rest periods. These sessions can be completed in as little as 20 minutes, yet deliver significant results. Look for quick HIIT routines online or use fitness apps that offer guided workouts. HIITs can range from bodyweight exercises to cardio intervals, or a combination of both. These efficient workouts provide maximum benefits in minimum time.

As you become more comfortable with guided workouts, you can create your routines and build the perfect combinations of movements that challenge you while fitting your fitness level and restrictions or injuries.

Incorporate physical activity into daily tasks

Finding time for exercise doesn’t always mean setting aside a dedicated workout session. Look for opportunities to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car farther away from your destination to get some extra steps, or try walking or biking for short errands instead of driving. Small lifestyle changes like these add up and contribute to your overall activity level.

Also, take time to reflect on how you spend your “downtime”. Are you watching a 2-hour-long episode of “The Bachelor” at night or scrolling social media endlessly? And can you watch that episode or those reels on your phone while walking on the treadmill? There are many ways to stack things that you’re already doing (that are probably sedentary) with movement. That being said, your body also deserves to rest, so don’t feel guilty about taking time to relax.

Get creative with multitasking

I just mentioned some ways to couple things you enjoy doing daily with exercise to take advantage of multitasking to maximize your exercise time. For example, if you enjoy watching TV shows or catching up on your favorite podcast, why not do some stretching, bodyweight exercises, or even use a stationary bike or treadmill while you indulge in your entertainment? This way, you’re combining leisure time with physical activity, making the most of every minute.

To take this further, you can get creative with multitasking and couple working out with something that you HAVE to do but don’t necessarily WANT to do like working from home or prepping for the week. Try getting a walking pad and an adjustable desk so that you can walk while doing computer work or walk while you write your weekly to-do list or grocery lists. Because these are things you’ve already gotten into the habit of doing, incorporating exercise can boost endorphins and make the experience of mundane tasks more exciting.

Involve friends or family

Turn exercise into a social activity by involving your friends or family. Instead of meeting for coffee or dinner, opt for a walk or hike together. Not only will you enjoy quality time with loved ones, but you’ll also reap the benefits of exercise. Having a workout buddy or joining a group class can also provide accountability and motivation, making it easier to stick to your fitness goals.

Exercise with friends and family can also be a cost-friendly alternative to common social activities like going out for a meal. You’ll save money, motivate each other to stay active, and develop healthy habits all at once.

In a busy schedule, making time for exercise is a commitment to your well-being. You’d be surprised by how much time in the day there is to include movement. By prioritizing, scheduling, and being creative, you can find pockets of time throughout the day to stay active.

Something will always be better than nothing when it comes to getting active. Remember, it’s not about finding hours on end; it’s about making the most of the time you do have. With a little discipline, you can embrace a healthy, active lifestyle even amid life’s chaotic demands. So, go ahead and take that first step – your body and mind will thank you!

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