7 Stunning Items to Elevate Your Coffee Table Decor

Coffee tables are often the centerpiece of our living rooms, providing both functionality and an opportunity to showcase your personal style. Regardless of budget, with the right selection of items, you can transform your coffee table into a captivating focal point of your living space.

In this article, I’ll share seven unique items to dress up your coffee table and provide you with inspiration for modern coffee table decor that elevates your living room’s ambiance. The best part? All of these items are functional and affordable.

Books Vase and Candle on Short Coffee Table


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What items can I use for coffee table decor?

Coffee Table Books

A stack of beautifully curated coffee table books can take any coffee table from boring to a stunning focal point. You can find books to match any vibe whether you like fun and colorful decor or minimal and neutral decor.

These books can range from art and design to travel, photography, or even a collection of your favorite novels. The key is to choose books with captivating covers and content that reflects your interests and personality.

When selecting coffee table books, consider the color scheme and overall aesthetic of your living room. You can opt for books with covers that complement your other decor, or choose ones that stand out and make a bold statement against your other pieces.

modern coffee table books.

Lamps & Lighting

Never underestimate the value that a good light brings. I wouldn’t normally put a light on a coffee table because coffee tables aren’t typically that big to begin with, but the right light can add a sense of elegance to the room.

coffee table decor fire pit lamp for living room.

For a more modern decor aesthetic, I think these fire pit lamps from Amazon can really elevate the space and make the room look more expensive than it is.

Decorative Trays & Bowls

Decorative trays are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. They create a designated space for organizing smaller items and help maintain a tidy coffee table. The best way to make your room look put together and elevated is by having a specific space for everything.

Look for trays in various materials, such as glass, metal, or wood, and choose one that complements your coffee table’s style. Don’t match textures, as differentiating the materials makes the space more visually appealing.

Trays can be the foundation of your coffee table decor, so select one that resonates with your style, whether it’s minimalist, vintage, or contemporary. You can place items like candles, coasters, or small decorative objects on the tray, creating an attractive focal point.

antique style coffee table tray for holding decorative items.

Decorative bowls are versatile pieces that can hold a variety of items, from potpourri and decorative balls to small keepsakes or remotes. Similar to trays, they come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, allowing you to personalize your coffee table decor to your liking.

decorative gold bowl for coffee table

Choose a decorative bowl that complements the overall theme of your living room and fill it with items that speak to your style.

Vases and Fresh Flowers

A vase filled with fresh flowers or greenery adds a natural and refreshing element to your coffee table decor. There are even lots of faux options that are eerily similar to the real thing.

Flowers bring life and color to your living room. The choice of flowers or plants depends on your personal preferences, but if you decide to use real ones, it’s essential to keep them fresh and well-maintained to maintain the aesthetic of your coffee table decor.

Change the flowers seasonally or for special occasions to keep your coffee table decor dynamic and engaging. For example, opt for more warm tones in the fall months. Check out this post for more fall decor finds!

multi colored fall vases for coffee table

Candles and Candleholders

Candles and candleholders are timeless and functional additions to coffee table decor. They create a warm and cozy atmosphere, especially during evenings.

Choose scented candles to give a new energy to the room especially in seasonal times of year. When it comes to candleholders, they come in various designs, from modern and sleek to antique and ornate. Select a style that complements your coffee table, living room, and your overall personal taste.

black decorative candle holders

Mixing and matching different types of candles and candleholders can add variety and create visual interest. Grouping candles of varying heights and sizes can make these pieces a focal point on your coffee table.

Sculptures and Art Objects

Adding sculptures or art objects to your coffee table decor can be a fantastic way to showcase your creative style. Consider sculptures made of materials like wood, metal, or glass, and select art that holds personal meaning or personal aesthetic value.

Consider the theme and style of your living room when selecting sculptures or art objects. For a modern coffee table, opt for contemporary or abstract pieces, while traditional living rooms may benefit from more classical or antique items.

hugging people sculptures.
wooden chain sculpture


Coasters are practical additions to your coffee table decor. They protect your coffee table from unsightly water rings and can be chosen to complement the overall aesthetic of your living room.

Coasters come in various materials, such as marble, wood, or acrylic, and in a wide range of designs, from minimalist to ornate. A great place to shop for unique coasters in a variety of materials is HomeGoods.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different decor. Mix and match different items from the list above, and don’t forget to add your personal touch to take your coffee table from being just a piece of furniture to a centerpiece in your home design.

By incorporating these seven must-have items, you can elevate your coffee table decor and bring your style to life in your living room. Find inspiration in these ideas, but remember that the most important aspect of coffee table decor is that it should resonate with your unique personality and taste!

Comment below your favorite coffee table decor upgrades!

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