
Quick Guide for Writing the Best Internship Cover Letter

Woman in Black Blazer Sitting on Chair While Reading Book. Working on a cover letter with a peer.

Landing a college internship is an exciting moment in your professional journey. It offers the chance to gain industry experience, develop career skills, build your network, and ultimately decide if you like that specific type of work. Before you can start your first day on the job, you may need to tackle a crucial step in the application process: writing a compelling cover letter.

A cover letter is your opportunity to introduce yourself to potential employers, showcase your qualifications, and show enthusiasm for the position. A great cover letter can make an otherwise generic application stand out. This post will guide you through the process of crafting a standout cover letter that can increase your chances of securing the internship of your dreams.

The Importance of a Cover Letter

Why is a cover letter so important when applying for an entry-level internship? Well, think of it as your first impression. Recruiters see thousands of applications pass through the online portals and after a while, every resume and experience begins to blend together.

Companies want to hire people that have a connection to the company’s values and mission and this is the perfect way for you to showcase your “why” statement.

Being specific about what draws you to the position you’re applying for and why you’re the perfect person for the job will make you stand out amongst other applicants. It’s your chance to make a positive and memorable impact on the employer.

Why a Well-crafted Cover Letter is Crucial

  1. Personalization: A cover letter allows you to share how you can fill the specific needs and requirements of the role and the company. It shows that your genuine interest and that you didn’t just blindly apply for the job.
  2. Highlighting Your Fit: You can use your letter to explain why you’re the perfect candidate for the internship. It gives you the opportunity to connect your skills, prior work and educational experiences, and future goals with the role.
  3. Demonstrating Communication Skills: Communication is a coveted soft skill that not all applicants have. Writing an effective cover letter shows your ability to communicate clearly and communicate valuable information.
  4. Showing Enthusiasm: A well-written letter conveys your enthusiasm for the internship. Employers appreciate candidates who are genuinely excited about the opportunity. People want to hire on and work with others that are excited about the work they do.

Now that we understand the importance of a cover letter, let’s dive into the steps of crafting one that will leave a lasting impression.

Interested in other career focused content? Read these blog posts:

  1. What to Expect the First Day on the Job
  2. Preparing for Career Fair: 5 Quick Tips to Make a Good Impression
  3. 5 Tips for a Successful Post-Graduation Job Search: How to Land Your Dream Job (or at least a starting point)
Woman Writing on a Notebook Beside Teacup and Tablet Computer. She is working on crafting a cover letter.

Step 1: Research and Preparation

All good writing starts with a little bit of research. Before you start crafting the letter, it’s essential to gather information about the internship, the company, and the specific requirements of the role. Here’s what you should do:

Research the Company

  • Explore the company’s website to understand its mission, values, and culture. SIDE NOTE: If the values don’t align with your own, that’s a red flag that maybe this role isn’t a good fit for you.
  • Look for recent news, press releases, and check social media accounts to learn about any notable achievements or developments. Make notes of how these may relate to personal interests or past experiences.

Study the Internship Posting:

  • Carefully read the internship posting to understand the qualifications, responsibilities, and expectations of the role. Are you studying one of the required majors? Are you the correct year in school? Are there other postings that better align with your skill sets?
  • Make a list of keywords and phrases from the posting that you can incorporate into your cover letter. These keywords should pertain to skills and/or job expectations.

Identify Your Unique Qualifications:

  • Reflect on your own experiences, skills, and achievements that align with the internship requirements. Look through your resume and highlight the experiences and skills that match the requirements.
  • Think about specific examples or projects that demonstrate your qualifications for the role.

Step 2: Formatting Your Cover Letter

With the research behind you, it’s time to start drafting your cover letter. Here are some formatting tips to keep in mind:


  • Include your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the page. This should match your resume.
  • Use a professional email address.
  • Add the date below your contact information.


  • Address the recipient by name if possible. Avoid generic salutations like “To Whom It May Concern” unless the cover letter is going into an online portal. In those situations you can also use “Dear Company Name Recruiting Representative.”
  • If you don’t know the recipient’s name, consider doing some research to find it. You can often find it on the company’s website or LinkedIn.

Opening Paragraph

  • Start with a strong and engaging opening. Give the reader insight into who you without using “Hi my name is.”
  • Mention the specific internship position you’re applying for and where you learned about it. Sharing that you found the internship because you were searching for opportunities specifically with that company shows you’re intentional.
Top view of anonymous woman in casual wear sitting on floor with laptop and smartphone and creating plan on notebook while resting during break in modern living room. She is working on crafting a cover letter.

Step 3: Writing the Cover Letter

Now, let’s get into the heart of your cover letter: the content. Your cover letter should be about one page long and consist of three to four well-structured paragraphs. Here’s what each section should include:

Paragraph 1: Introduction

  • Express your enthusiasm for the role. Be specific about what drew you to it. Use the research you’ve done and pull specifics from the job application.
  • Briefly mention how you learned about the internship.
  • State your current academic status and major.

Paragraph 2: Why You’re a Strong Candidate

  • Highlight your relevant skills, experiences, achievements, and specific examples to demonstrate your qualifications.
  • Connect items on your resume to the role expectations. Provide information on your experiences that the recipient couldn’t find from simply from browsing your resume.

Paragraph 3: Why You’re Interested in the Company

  • Explain why you’re interested in working for this particular company. Show that you’ve done your homework and are genuinely enthusiastic about the company
  • Mention what you admire about the company’s mission, culture, or achievements.
  • If you have a personal anecdote of your relationship with the company (a good it produces or a service you’ve used), sharing it will make the letter more personal.

Paragraph 4: Closing and Call to Action

  • Express your eagerness to further discuss your qualifications and opportunities in an interview.
  • Thank the reader for considering your application.
  • Provide your contact information…again.

Step 4: Polishing Your Cover Letter

Now you have your first draft, but it’s time to refine your cover letter and make it shine. Here are some tips for polishing your work:


  • Carefully proofread your cover letter for spelling and grammatical errors. Errors will make your writing seem careless and less intentional. You can use services like Grammarly, but Word and Google Docs also have spelling and grammar resources that work well.

Clarity and Conciseness

  • Ensure that your writing is clear and concise. Avoid long, convoluted sentences.
  • Aim to have a letter that’s one page in length. Recruiters are busy and don’t want to read all day.


  • Customize your cover letter for each individual internship application.
  • Avoid using a generic cover letter that you send to multiple companies. Once you have the base, you shouldn’t have to change much to customize it for each company. Putting in the extra work will be worth it.

Tone and Voice

  • Maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout your cover letter. Avoid using overly casual language or slang.

Step 5: Final Touches

Before you send the cover letter out to companies, take a moment to go through these final checks:

Get Feedback

  • Ask a trusted friend, family member, or career advisor to review your cover letter and provide feedback.

Save in PDF Format

  • When you’re ready to send your cover letter, save it as a PDF file. PDFs maintain formatting across different devices and software.

Crafting a winning cover letter for an internship role may take some time and effort, but it’s a crucial step in securing the internship you’re most interested in. The job search can be competitive, so it’s important to put in some extra effort to stand out.

Remember that your cover letter should not only showcase your qualifications but also your genuine excitement role.

By conducting thorough research and tailoring your cover letter to showcase your value, you can create a letter that sets you apart from other applicants. Good luck crafting your perfect cover letter!

Did you need a cover letter for your internship or full-time job? Share in the comments!

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