Unique Fall Travel Destinations You Must See in 2024

Traveling in the fall can be a fantastic experience as you get to witness the stunning beauty of changing foliage, milder weather, and often fewer crowds. The fall can be a particularly sad time of year as summer vacations wrap up and you start to feel confined to the indoors.

This doesn’t have to be your reality! You just need to know the best fall travel destinations and plan ahead. That’s why we’re starting early!

Here are some must-visit fall travel destinations for the 2024 fall months and why they are particularly appealing during the autum season.

Why should I travel in the Fall?

images laid out on a bed and a travel hat. The images are of fall travel destinations

The summer is the most common time of year for travel to take place. Why? Because during the rest of the year there’s much more chaos at work, the children are in school (or maybe you’re in school), and schedules are more difficult to plan around.

The summer is acknowledged as the time of year where people will take vacations, so airline companies, hotels, and travel agencies alike are able to charge more for the services because demand > supply.

That’s exactly why you should travel in the fall if you can. You’re less likely to run into tourist crowds and you can probably get a good deal!

Not to mention temperatures are a lot more mild in the fall which makes sightseeing more bearable. If you’re someone who likes to swim, natural water sources will have warmer temperatures from being heated by the summer sun the past 3 months.

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What are the best fall travel destinations?

New England, USA

New England, including states like Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, is known for its vibrant fall foliage.

If you enjoy nature, this area has many great fall travel destinations. The leaves turn brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow, making it a picturesque destination for outdoorsy people. You can also enjoy typical fall activities like apple picking, pumpkin festivals, and cool, crisp weather.

Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto is stunning year-round, but in the fall, the city’s temples and gardens are adorned with fiery red and golden leaves. The fall foliage, known as “koyo,” provides a mesmerizing backdrop to Kyoto’s historic temples, making it an ideal time for cultural exploration.

There is so much rich culture and many temples to visit while in Japan. The fall adds a layer of interest to all the sights because of the pretty fall colors. You’ll feel like you’re living in a famous painting. If you want more information of sights to visit and things to do in the fall, check out this blog post.

Bavaria, Germany

The Bavarian region in Germany is famous for its Oktoberfest celebrations, but it’s also a fantastic destination in the fall for its picturesque landscapes. If you like to drink beer, this could be the perfect opportunity to explore Germany and induge in your favorite alcoholic beverages.

The Bavarian Alps and the Bavarian Forest come alive with vibrant autumn colors, and you can enjoy hiking, beer gardens, and traditional Bavarian cuisine.

Aspen, Colorado, USA

Aspen is renowned for its ski resorts in the winter, but it’s equally enchanting in the fall. The mountains are covered in aspen trees that turn golden yellow during the fall months. It’s an excellent time for hiking, biking, and outdoor activities without the winter crowds.

Not to mention, hiking and other outdoor activities will be much more bearable during the fall months than what you can expect in the cold winter months or sweaty summer months.

Skiing is still a possibility in the fall months if that is something you enjoy doing. Aspen is quite pricey so I would suggest searching for other more affordable hiking and skiing locations in Colorado before shutting down fall travel destinations like this one completely.

Tuscany, Italy

Tuscany’s rolling hills and vineyards are especially captivating in the fall. The grape harvest season, known as the “vendemmia,” takes place in the fall, and you can enjoy wine tours, local festivals, and pleasant weather without the summer heat.

Most tourists come through Italy in the summer months (italian summers) which means the fall is the prime time to avoid the crowds while still getting to experience Italy in all of its beauty.

Quebec City, Canada

Quebec City is known for its charming old town and historic architecture. In the fall, the city comes alive with colorful leaves, creating a magical atmosphere. You can also experience Quebec’s vibrant culture and cuisine during this season.

The weather is the perfect temperature for being active in nature during the day and cuddled up next to a fire at night. For more info about Quebec in the fall, check out this resource.

woman canoeing in a body of water in Canada. Canada is one of the best fall travel destinations

Santorini, Greece

While Santorini is a popular summer destination, it’s also a beautiful place to visit in the fall. The weather is still pleasant, and you can explore the stunning cliffside villages, enjoy the beaches with fewer tourists, and savor the local foods.

The locals will joke that during the summer months the “island is sinking” because of the number of tourists visiting. Wouldn’t you rather be able to actually see the beautiful island you’re visiting? Don’t be fooled by the “european summer” trends, you can have just as much fun with a european fall.

The Scottish Highlands, Scotland

The Scottish Highlands are known for their rugged beauty, and in the fall, the landscape is transformed with vibrant autumn colors. It’s an ideal time for hiking, wildlife watching, and exploring the region’s castles and lochs.

This is another location where the rich history and landscape makes it ideal to have cooler temperature so that you can fully explore without being drained from the sun or sweaty. Check out this post for information on national parks, attractions, and cuisine you should try during your fall trip.

Great Smoky Mountains, USA

Located on the border between North Carolina and Tennessee, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is one of the best places to witness the beauty of fall nature in the United States. The park’s vast forests create a stunning display of colors.

There are tons of tours and trails to take through the moutains that are even family friendly. There are even some fall festivals that take place in October. There are plenty of activities and sights to see. Check out this post for more information.

Bali, Indonesia

Bali’s tropical climate makes it an appealing destination year-round. In the fall, you can enjoy lower prices and fewer tourists while still experiencing the island’s beautiful beaches and vibrant cultural festivals. Bali’s temperature will likely still mirror the summer temperatures you’re used to, so think of it as a way to extend your summer!

These fall travel destinations offer unique experiences during the fall months, from breathtaking natural beauty to cultural festivals and activities.

Give yourself a mental break and time to fully immerse yourself in nature or a new culture during the fall months. When planning your trip, be sure to check the local events and fall activities to make the most of your visit!

Comment below any fall travel destinations you recommend!

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