Why Morning Workouts Will Improve Your Life Forever

The age-old debate about the best time to workout continues to divide fitness enthusiasts. Some swear by their evening workouts, claiming they have more energy after a long day. Others argue that the key to a successful fitness routine is to work out first thing in the morning. Morning workouts can energize you even in the sleepiest of mornings, but if you’re not convinced, in this blog post, I’ll share some reasons why you should consider starting your day with a workout and how you can add morning workouts to your routine.

two people working out on exercise machines. One is running on a treadmill and you can only see the legs. The other is a woman doing core work. They're hitting their morning workouts.

The Science of Morning Workouts

Circadian Rhythms and Hormonal Balance

Our bodies operate on an internal clock, aka our circadian rhythm, that regulates various physiological functions. One significant aspect of this rhythm is the flow of hormones throughout the day. The hormone cortisol is highest in the morning. Cortisol gives us a natural energy boost and makes us feel more alert. This natural bump in energy can help fuel your workout and keep you motivated during your most challenging sets.

Enhanced Sleep Quality

It may seem counterintuitive, but regular morning workouts can actually improve your sleep quality. You may have noticed that after a workout you feel a little more energized and alert because your body is riding the adrenaline high. In the evening, this can disrupt your wind down routine and make it more difficult to fall asleep. Imagine downing a cup of coffee right before closing your eyes. That makes no sense!

In contrast, a morning workout raises your body temperature, and as it returns to normal in the evening, it can help signal to your body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

The Mental Benefits of Morning Workouts

Boost in Mood and Mental Clarity

One of the most notable benefits of morning exercise is the mood-boosting effect. Physical activity releases endorphins, which can significantly improve your mood and reduce stress. You’ll thank yourself for starting the day by releasing some feel good hormones. Your mood will be better and you’ll feel more productive to start your day. Not to mention, you won’t feel obligated to work out after a long day at work.

Enhanced Cognitive Function

Studies have shown that morning workouts can have a positive impact on cognitive function. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, promoting better concentration, memory, and overall cognitive performance.

Starting your day with a workout can help you stay on track with your tasks. If you often find yourself leaving work or ending the day feeling unaccomplished, the improved mental concentration from beginning the day with a morning workout may help you tackle your to-do list more efficiently.

The more of your responsibilities you can accomplish at work, the less mental space those worries will take up when you’re off the clock.

Consistency and Habit Formation

Women Doing Acro Yoga Together

Working out in the morning helps establish a routine. When you make exercise a regular part of your morning, you’re more likely to stick with it.

It’s much easier to find the motivation to stick to a habit when it occurs first thing in the morning compared to when you’re fighting the impulses and exhaustion of events throughout the day. Over time, this consistency can be a game-changer in achieving your fitness goals and lead to forming a healthy habit that can last a lifetime.

Time Management and Productivity

More Time in the Day

By exercising in the morning, you create a time buffer in your schedule. You won’t feel the need to interrupt the flow of your other priorities like work or personal tasks. This can lead to increased productivity and a better work-life balance.

Fitness is self-care, and making time for it is important, but that doesn’t mean that everyone enjoys it. By exercising in the morning, you can reserve the time after work and organizing your life simply for decompressing.

Increased Energy Levels

Starting your day with a workout can help boost your energy levels throughout the day. This means you’ll have more sustained energy for work, family, and personal pursuits. There may be a transition period where your body feels a little more exhausted than usual, but once you build a routine, the energy boost you get from working out will sustain you through your daily tasks.

Practical Tips for Morning Workouts

Setting Up the Night Before

The biggest hurdle to working out in the morning is the dread that comes with waking up earlier than usual. To make your morning workouts seamless (and to give yourself a few more minutes in bed), it’s essential to prepare the night before. Lay out your workout clothes, fill your water bottle, and plan your workout routine. The better you plan the more committed you’ll feel to the workout and the less likely you’ll be to skip it.

Gradual Adjustment

If you’re not a morning person, transitioning to morning workouts might be a challenge. Start by gradually adjusting your schedule, waking up a little earlier each day until it becomes a habit. You could try scheduling a morning workout class twice a week. This will force you to commit while still allowing you to be flexible with your workout schedule the rest of the week. Be patient with yourself during this adjustment period.

Overcoming Common Obstacles

Unrecognizable female athlete stretching muscles of arms and back. Stretching for her morning workouts.

The Snooze Button

The snooze button can be the main villain for those attempting morning workouts. Overcoming this obstacle will take a combination of discipline and accountability. Place your alarm clock or phone across the room so that when it goes off you have to get out of bed. Once you’re out of bed you’ll feel better about continuing the with the workout and your day.

Weather Conditions

Poor weather can make morning workouts less appealing, but there are ways to overcome this. Check the weather the night before so that you have a plan. Look up at home workouts on YouTube or workout apps like ClassPass or Peloton. You can always find a way to workout at home. For more information on ClassPass features, including the audio and video workouts, read this post.

When Should You Work Out?

The truth is the best time to work out is whenever you feel the most energized and willing. Getting movement into your day is the most important thing.

If you do decide to start working out in the morning, choosing the perfect time for your morning workout ultimately depends on your personal preferences and schedule. However, there are some key factors to consider:

Time Availability

Evaluate your daily schedule and identify when you have the most uninterrupted time. This could be early morning or late morning, depending on your work and family commitments. The goal is for your workout to blend seamlessly into your other routines as much as possible. You don’t want to rush to your other commitments or find yourself sitting around waiting for the next task to begin.

Fitness Goals

Consider your fitness goals when choosing the best time for your morning workout. If you aim to build strength or endurance, the timing might be different than if you’re looking for a mood boost and light daily activity.

Starting your day with a workout isn’t just about physical fitness; it’s a holistic approach to a healthier, more productive, and happier life. Morning workouts align with our natural circadian rhythms, offering physical, mental, and time management benefits that can have an extremely positive impact on your daily life.

By overcoming common obstacles and developing a consistent routine, you can make morning workouts a sustainable part of your lifestyle. So, set your alarm, set out your sneakers, and get ready for your workout. Your future self will thank you for it.

Comment below your favorite part about working out in the morning.

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